Veranstaltung / Stadtführung

Munich in the Nazi era - a guided tour

Sonntag   22.08.2021    14:00-16:00

"Everything that was rotten and bad in the Reich fled, as if by magic, to Munich", this is how Lion Feuchtwanger in his novel "Success" characterized the decade after the end of WWI. The time when Munich became the founding city and nerve centre of the Nazi party. On a tour of the historic city centre we explore buildings, streets, squares and memorials witnessing the birth, rise, reign, the crimes and atrocities and the downfall of National Socialism and its legacy as well as the role local authorities and the people of Munich played in it.


Veranstalter MVHS München Mitte
Datum 22.08.2021
Uhrzeit 14:00 - 16:00
Referent/in Modert Gerd
Treffpunkt Marienplatz, am Fischbrunnen
Anmeldung Anmeldung erforderlich
Preis 6,00 €
Kursnummer M121020
Internet Munich in the Nazi era - a guided tour
Veranstaltungsart Stadtführung
Stadtbezirk Altstadt-Lehel
Suchbegriffe NS-Zeit

MVHS München Mitte

Straße: Einsteinstr. 28
Plz/Ort: 81675 München
Telefon: 089 - 48006 6643

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